The simplification of law enforcement management
To lead the implementation of Self-governed Management in the Law Enforcement Agencies
What these two concepts means:
Vision - Because S2H is based in law (i.e., Constitutional, Common, Statutory, Case, Employment, Discrimination, Labor, and Contract) and sound management science principles it defies challenges to managerial authority.
Mission - Self-governed management requires once employees have been given a fair opportunity to fulfill their duties and responsibilities of their jobs and position, they are accountable for demonstrating the desire and competencies to govern themselves in alignment with professional law enforcement values and standards.
Sworn to Honor Principles:
Employment creates is a ‘best-effort’ contract for performance.
Human performance is the outcome (i.e., results, end-state) of human behavior.
Employees are hired for their potential, trained to have the knowledge and skills required of their jobs and positions, and compensated for their performance.
Employers are responsible for providing employees with a fair and reasonable opportunity to achieve the level of performance required of their jobs and positions - with or without direct supervision.
Employees are responsible for having the necessary levels of desire and competencies to achieve successful performance levels.
Human Performance levels can be measured objectively, without human bias.
Employees with similar desire, opportunity, and competencies levels should have similar performance levels.
Performance levels (i.e., gaps) that excess 20% between similiarly-stituated performers are potential opportunities for improving performance efficiency.
Learn More.
(800) 331-8025 Eastern Standard Time
P.O. Box 21313
Columbus, Ohio 43221