Police Sworn to Honor

I believe, law enforcement agencies presently require a management system that legitimizes and operationalizes Procedural and Distributive Justice more than at any other time in the history of organized policing. Donald J. Van Meter, Ph.D.

Dr. Van Meter is a Human Performance Theorist. His practice is focused on improving performance efficiency in law enforcement agencies. His newest research has produced the Police Sworn to Honor management system.

Why I believe State and Local Law Enforcement Should Adopt Police Sworn to Honor (S2H)

Sworn to Honor (S2H) aligns perfectly with all relevant laws, including common, constitutional, employment, statutory, and contract laws. Essentially, challenging S2H means challenging the law itself. Here's why:

Employment Criteria: S2H bases employment and retention on long-standing American work ethics, such as employee loyalty and giving a fair day's work for a fair day's pay, rather than just on terms and conditions like wages or hours.

Employee Performance: Once employees are given a fair chance to perform, the responsibility to perform remains solely with them.

Justice Standards: Procedural Justice (like due process and just cause) and Distributive Justice (a meritocracy based on performance) are non-negotiable standards under S2H.


Sworn to Honor (S2H) is a licensed program designed to maintain its integrity by eliminating the need for renewal. The program includes comprehensive forms, policies, training, and additional materials, all suitable for adaptation to your specific needs. We want to ensure you fully understand what the program offers and the importance of direct oversight.

For further information, please do not hesitate to reach out using the form below. We are more than happy to address any questions you may have.

Learn More.

(800) 331-8025 Eastern Standard Time

E-mails: vanmeterassociates@att.net

P.O. Box 21313
Columbus, Ohio 43221